NYT’s Diagnosis Columnist Dr. Lisa Sanders’ Views on Long COVID Affirmed by New Research

This content is provided by Community Health Center, Inc.

Researchers just announced they have found clear differences in the blood of Long COVID patients—this is the scientific proof that some in the health care sector want to see. Right before this news broke, we asked Dr. Lisa Sanders, the director of the new Yale New Haven Long COVID Multidisciplinary Care Center, about the lack of a Long COVID blood test.

She pushed back on skeptics because she has seen clinical evidence of the condition. Now, it appears Dr. Sanders and her colleagues will indeed be able to confirm Long COVID is a biological illness.

Dr. Sanders, who also writes The New York Times Diagnosis column, explained her patients are getting better through a variety of approaches and she’s hopeful the caseload will continue to decrease.

Join hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter for this important conversation that’s part of our continuing coverage of Long COVID.

The post NYT’s Diagnosis Columnist Dr. Lisa Sanders’ Views on Long COVID Affirmed by New Research first appeared on Federal News Network.